Cavities, oh cavities! We don’t like them, yet they find a way to sneak into our mouths. These little holes are initially asymptomatic but later develop into bigger, painful holes. When our dental team arrests cavities during regular dental checkups, we use tooth-colored (composite) fillings to restore your teeth.
Treating dental cavities at Modern Dental Studio, East Brunswick, New Jersey, is easy, but can you avoid dental cavities altogether? Although we can’t guarantee to eliminate dental cavities 100%, there are steps you can take to prevent most of them. Keep reading to identify ways to keep pesky cavities away from your mouth.
Although your enamel is the hardest substance in your body, it’s still vulnerable to bad bacteria. Oral bacteria use sugars left in your mouth to secrete acids which can “eat away” your enamel, resulting in cavities. Once your enamel goes, it can’t grow back. This is why you should observe the tips below to prevent cavities in the first place.
Modern Dental Studio offers affordable, comprehensive dental care to prevent, detect, and treat oral problems. Call us at (732) 432-0123 to schedule a consultation visit, and you’ll start smiling healthy again!
If you are seeking a dentist who is trained and certified by the American Academy of Dental Sleep Medicine (AADSM), then consider working with Dr. Tripthi Shetty and her team at Modern Dental Studio of East Brunswick, New Jersey. She can evaluate you for conditions such as obstructive sleep apnea and provide reliable solutions. In addition, she is SMART certified and has completed the education required by the IAOMT, ensuring the safe removal and replacement of silver amalgam fillings in the smile.